Sunday, 26 July 2015

The first adventure!

The first adventure! 

We all met in the chapter house at 11 o clock and had a cheeky doughnut! 
We met our drivers and packed up our cars after we had taken our all important malaria tablets! We then had a joint picture and said our goodbyes, got in the cars and left for the airport. 

It took a long time to get to the airport but we were thankful to those that gave us lifts. We unpacked said our fond farewells and took up residents in the terminal! After two hours we joined the queue for dropping off our bags behind 90 students from a school in Pocklington on a sports tour. They noticed our Hands at Work T-Shirts and informed us that they had sponsored the charity as part of their tour! 

Unfortunately when Adam tried to check in he was unable to as there were a few with his important documents not signed and verified by a solicitor which was the issue (contrary to the information we had been given by BA and the embassy) so the mad dash to get Adam to Africa began! Dozens of phone calls and conversations later with managers, parents, vicars and various others it was decided that the majority of the team would continue through security! After a few frantic calls to Biggleswade and the very kind help of Steve the Solicitor the documents were signed, stamped and 
en-route to be delivered by hand to Terminal Five! 

The nervous wait had begun. Alice and Adam had booked standby seats for the 9:20pm flight and the others all departed on the 7:10 flight - who would know when we be reunited! 

Over to Alice and Adam....... 

To pass the time we tucked into delicious Tapas and awaited the delivery of the all important documents.... 

7:30 came (an hour before check in closed) and Adam ran to meet his parents and 
retrieve the documents... Then we began to wait some more....

Although on standby seats we were not able to be confirmed until 8:35 when check in officially closed..... The Penwrights waited with us and entertained us with stories of fishing and sheds! We tried to confirm our seats a number of times but simply told that it was "Going to be tight"! 

8:35 came, documents had been checked and the all important phone call came through... They said that we could now go airside and presented us with our boarding passes... After quick goodbyes we legged it through security, across the terminal, on 
a train and then to the gate.. We had made it!!!

Finally we boarded the plane, found our seats and went for a wee!! Movies were watched and food was eaten and then sleep was had!! 

Meanwhile on Flight BA0055, the rest of the team were tucking into some delicious Vegetable Lasagne and passing the time away with movies and chatter... They did not know whether we had made it onto a flight or were on our way home back to Biggleswade! 

Morning came and the majority of the team landed in Joberg, passed through 
security, picked up their bags and sat and waited in the Spur cafe for the imminent 
arrival 2 hours later or maybe longer of us.....As they landed we were waking up to our delicious English Breakfast and cup of tea! 

The next challenge then began - passport control in South Africa for Adam..... Would we get through or would we be back on a plane to London.... We queued and queued and queued and finally we went up to the desk... After a few questions and clarification of documents we were through and into South Africa but there was one more challenge to overcome.... Would Alice's bag be on the carousel, still at Heathrow or on the original flight!! 

Good news came as both cases appeared round the corner and now we could go and be reunited with the rest of the team! Our South Africa adventure could now begin!

Here are some photos of our wait in Heathrow and journey over to Joburg.


  1. Penwright Express Couriers26 July 2015 at 22:21

    Very glad to hear the outcome.

  2. Penwright Express Couriers . D : )27 July 2015 at 08:09

    "Finally we boarded the plane, found our seats and went for a wee!! "

    I didn't realise airline seats doubled as commodes !

    We hadn't expected to be seeing Adam again so soon but even with the mad dash etc its was good to spend that time with you both, really pleased you got there in the end and all met up. Have a great time, Praise the Lord for He is with you.

  3. Fine figure of a man !
    next to Alice at the airport.

    Photos are great to see.


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