Sunday, 12 July 2015

Jessica Dilley

Hello, my name is Jessica and I worship at St. Andrew's Church, Biggleswade and I belong to 'The Room' who are taking a trip to South Africa in less than two weeks time!
I have just finished studying for my A Levels (English Language and Literature, Music and Sociology) at Stratton Upper School and am planning on going to read Midwifery at University.
This trip to me is all about offering my gifts to a community that needs it. I have had the privilege, and take for granted, the fact that I have a shelter that I can call home, food that nourishes me, and a health system that will look after me should I ever need it. Yet, in so many communities all around the world, young adults like myself could only wish for these three essentials.
I/we cannot go out there to change or fix things, however, I can go and show my love, care and support for these orphaned children and the care workers that work with them and their families.
 Thank you very much for all your support, love and prayers over the past couple of years, and I ask for this to continue in our preparations, during our trip and when we return to create a strong link with the community we will work with and the community back here in Biggleswade.
To finish I would like to share Hands at Work's core values which particularly struck a chord with me as to what we should be committed to doing:
''Loving God and our neighbour
Reaching the poorest of the poor
Living servant-hood
Supporting local community ownership
Valuing relationships
Prioritising God, family then ministry
Being accountable
Giving freely''
Jessica x

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