Hi, my name is Alice Parker and I have the privilege of accompanying 'The Room' to Africa in a few weeks. I currently live and work in London as a Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator and Inclusion Teacher. I grew up in the lovely town of Biggleswade and attended St.Andrew's Church until I left for University. I am a frequent returner though and it will also be a place that I can call home!
I have been a member of Kings Cross Church in the heart of London for the last five years where I lead a small group and kids church. The vision of my Church is...
'to recklessly give ourselves away to God, each other and the people of King's Cross and beyond.'
I think for me this vision is not only that of Kings Cross Church but of how I want to live my life...I want to be able to love recklessly, give my time recklessly and to share God's love recklessly and to build a community around me that shares this vision.
The above vision for me sums up what going to Africa at the end of the month is about -although it would be lovely to, it isn't about trying to provide homes for the 53 million orphans across the continent nor is it about building a well and ensuring that people have clean water to drink. These are essential and vitally important but it is about me/us giving time and encouragement to local African communities working on the front-line day in and day out and supporting what they are already doing. It is about stepping out of our comfort zone and being challenged to look beyond our front doorstep!

For those of you that know me well, will know that South Africa holds a particular space in my heart and has done for a while. I had the privilege of going in October and had a life changing experience with an awesome bunch of people from my Church in London. God spoke and moved in me more that I have ever experienced and put events and people around us that week that were inspiring and such a gift...
I was challenged and encouraged, had tough times and awesome times....It was a milestone in my journey of faith!
I am looking forward to being able to share God's Love and Grace with the different people we meet in South Africa and having the opportunity to walk alongside and pray for them. I have no doubt that I am going to find it challenging and difficult at times and my faith will be tested but then if we are going to love recklessly and share God's love recklessly then I also know that God will be there every step of the way cheering us all on!!
It has been so inspiring to see how an idea that 'The Room' had 2 years ago about putting their faith into action has nearly become a reality. They are a talented bunch of young people and I am so excited about seeing the young people who the majority I have known since they were a baby and babysat for experience a glimpse at God's love for them and the world as I have begun to be let in on.... There is so much more to experience, be challenged by and to fall in love with... Let the adventure begin!!!!
Alice x
Did you get my comment? Wendy Washington
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful and privilaged experience you are all having. I wish I was there with you. I look forward to reading about your adventure every day. God bless you all love and best wishes from Wendy and John Washington XX