Thursday, 9 July 2015

David Bentley

Hi my name is David Bentley, and I'm really excited to be going with 'The Room' from St Andrew's Church to Hands at Work in South Africa.  I currently live in Harrogate where I run my own Mechanics Business.   

I spent three and a half years out with Hands at Work, so having the opportunity to go back with a team is fantastic! I first went out to hands in February 2010, originally for 9 months which turned out to be three and a half years! The experiences I had, people I met, the work I have seen God is doing out there, the places I have been, and the help that Hands at Work brings to the communities is truly amazing.  These are all things that I will never forget and will stay with me for life. I think about Hands at Work everyday, the hard work that the volunteers do and the help that this brings to the community; so the opportunity to take 'The Room' to Hands at Work and to experience all this is brilliant.  Chris Parker asked me to come and speak to 'The Room' back in 2012 whilst visiting for Christmas to tell them about what Hands at Work does. To think now that we are going in less than 3 weeks is great. I am proud of 'The Room' for all the hard work they have gone to in organizing this trip, from the fundraising to the logistics of getting 11 people out there!  So well done to you all.  I know this trip will be life changing for you all, and the support and encouragement you will bring to the communities will be something money cannot buy. There will be times where you laugh, times you will find hard, and times your out of your comfort zone but all of this is part of the experience.

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